Monday, December 3, 2007

What Did You Accomplish This Past Week?

A very good morning to all my loyal fans (ha, ha!!) Seriously, though, I do appreciate all of you who do stop by, check me out and subscribe to my feed. It's a great feeling! Now, on with the post!

I signed in this morning to view a comment left on my last post by Heather from Home With Heather, a blog that I came across last week by way of BlogCatalog, I believe. Heather's blog has lots of great tips on Web 2.0 and the like. Anyway, she tagged me after originally being tagged by Tamara Wilson of This tagging thing is a fairly new to me, this being the first time that I've have been tagged, although, I've read about it on other blogs. Anyway, the purpose of this tagging, is basically to show one another some link love. So, Tamara initially asked four questions that I will answer here and then "tag", a.k.a. link to five other blogs, who will all do the same. Get the idea?

Okay, the four questions are:

1. What did you accomplish this past week?

I can't say that I feel that I accomplished a whole lot, by way of my internet "business." I tried to make some good posts and get my blogs name out there, but I know it is going to take time. As far as accomplishments outside of blogging and the internet, I'm a full-time mom of 8 children, so whether I feel like it or not, I know that just by taking care them and loving them, I have accomplished a whole lot. It is my goal for my children to be outstanding citizens, and I know that I play a major part in that!

2. Did anything not go as expected?

Not really, nothing that sticks out in my mind anyway. With 8 children, crazy is "normal" to me. Chaos is expected around here, not at all times, but a good part of the time!

3. What was the highlight of your week?

The highlight of my week, I'd have to say, as far as my internet week goes, is setting up my new "A Store," which you'll find a link to at the top of my blog on the right-hand side and also writing 4 more articles for Associated Content. Associated Content is by far, one of the easiest ways to earn some extra cash really quick. I'll be posting more about this very soon.

4. Did anything exciting happen that you did not expect?

Again, I expect a certain amount of excitement caused by my children everyday. So, excitement around here is pretty normal. There's always something going on and someone who needs me for something, so I really don't think my life could get any more exciting than it already is. I'm not too sure I could handle any more excitement in my life. It's funny to be talking about this right now because my husband recently just asked me what would I do if I found out tomorrow that I was pregnant. I said, "What? Are you crazy? That's not happening, it can't happen!" Has he lost his mind, I wondered. Another child, would definitely top the excitement chart around here, for sure, but again, that is not going to happen!! :)

So, I think I like this tagging thing, it's kinds fun! Here are the five fantastic blogs that I'm tagging because I absolutely love to read what these women have to say:

1. Melissa of "I'm Here"

2. Vanessa of "Homemaker of the 21st Century"

3. Kaprice of "My Mommy Time Online"

4. "Mommy Gets Paid"

5. Eliza of "I'm not just a mom, I'm a home mom"

Hope you accomplish all you set out to this week and the weeks to come!!

P.S. I have not forgotten about what I said I was going to post about in my post prior to this. I will be posting that info tomorrow :)


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know I posted my response and tagged more blogs :)

You can read about it here

Amazon Quick Cash said...


Anonymous said...

Hey there! Thanks for the TAG! I posted my responses and tagged some more girls!

PS I love your Blog!

MelissaQ said...

Thank you for Tagging me Amanda. I will tag you asap, and begin my 5tags.
Thanks again!

Audrey said...

I'm new here. And I read you have 8 children. Wow! I find it hard taking care of just 1. My admiration and salute!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I have moved my blog to the new domain,, I would love to hear your feedback on it! Check it out when you have time and let me know what you think!
Take Care!