Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Any Aspiring Writers Here?

Calling all aspiring writers! I bumped into a great teleseminar program by John Kremer entitled, "How To Create A New York Times Bestseller." I thought it was appropriate considering this blog is all about ways to make money, not just online, but also off. Let me give you the rundown on it.

The teleseminar program is an established step-by-step program that will show you exactly how to take your book to the top of the NY Times Bestseller list! It includes a series of 12 Q&A telesessions with John Kremer, the Book Marketing Ambassador of Fun.

Here is what John has to say:
"The New York Times bestseller list is essentially a work of fiction. says John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books. As a result, it can be �and is manipulated by those who know how the list is compiled. Publishers do it all the time. Now, even an unknown author can use the same techniques to propel his or her book to the top of the bestseller list."

His website tells it so much better than I can, so I'd suggest if you have any interest in this subject to please visite his site @ www.bookmarket.com/nytbests.htm

By the way, I am in no affiliated with John Kremer or his teleseminar program. Just think it's another great idea to fufill your dreams and live the life you desire. All the best to you!!

P.S. After you check out the site, come back and participate in the ongoing conversation about John Kremer's program. Then tomorrow, I'll show you how to make money by putting this conversation widget on your blog or website! Enjoy!

P.P.S. If you took pleasure in your read, grab my feed!

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