Monday, November 26, 2007

How Much Is Your Blog Worth?

A VERY Good Morning to everyone!! I have been away for quite some time now, a nice vacation, I must say. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving holiday and got to spend some quality time with the family. I know I did :)

So, the title of today's post is, "How Much Is Your Blog Worth?" You may have noticed a small tidbit of a graphic located a little ways down on the left-hand side of the page with a little icon of George Washington that asks, "How Much Is Your Blog Worth?" If you've been following this blog, you might have noticed that the amount of money my blog is worth has been increasing. It went from about five hundred dollars when I first installed the widget to now about $2,800 and that is an increase from last week when it was just about $2,200.

So, if you're curious to see just how much your blog is worth, you may easily do so by either clicking on the title of this post, which is a link, or by clicking in the widget itself. You can read more about it after clicking to the page, about the man who came up with it and what factors are involved when it comes to assigning a value for a blog. Some of the factors that I'm aware of are your page rank and your Alexa ranking, among others.

That's all for now folks! Have a wonderful day!!


MelissaQ said...

Have I told you Thank you yet?
Thanks for all your VALUABLE info. I really enjoy visiting your blog, you always have me wondering "what does she have for me today?" AWSOME work. I added this newest widget, and will be letting every one know about your post. Thanks again!

MelissaQ said...

I added the widget, but now I was wondering how I make it start earning money?

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! It say's my blog is worth $5,080!! Now, how can I earn that :)

Homemaker of the 21st Century

Amazon Quick Cash said...

Yes, that would be great to know, wouldn't it?? Good for you though, your blog is very valuable!!

Amazon Quick Cash said...

Hi Melissa,
You are too kind! I am so so glad that someone is finding my posts useful!! Sorry Melissa, the widget won't actually make you any money. I'm sorry if I didn't clarify that. It's just kind of a fun thing to add to your blog! More money making ideas to come!